I am the world's WORST blogger...I'll just say that now and get it over with.
Let's see...I'll try and remember everything that's happened in the past month and five days. And then give a general summary of all of it here. WARNING: This may get long.
First off...So far NOTHING is showing up in the tests that the dr's are running for the anemia/low hemoglobin. I do NOT have Celiac Disease and the biopsies that were sent off from my Gatroscopy have all come back "normal" but "consistent with reflux". I don't have the symptoms of reflux, but apparently, as I get
older it could happen. So, I have a standing order for bloodtests every 3-4 weeks to monitor my blood levels. I also had to have a pelvic ultrasound to see if there is anything going on there that could cause my periods to be too heavy. (TMI? sorry) I had that done today and won't know the results for a little while.
On a good note though...my hemoglobin levels have started to rise with the taking of the full strength iron supplements. I've gone from 8.2 to 9.6 and the latest was a 10.4. Woo hoo...I'm almost
NORMAL! (if there's any such thing) I'll have my next blood test done in about a week or so.
Oh, and...I'm feeling much better too! I can actually make it pretty much the entire week without needing to take that 3 hour nap that was happening quite regularly. Now...to start using that extra time a little more wisely.
Along with the ultrasound today, I also had my annual Mammogram. OH MY GAWSH!!! The girls are just NOT supposed to be smooshed that way. I'm still sore! Glad THAT'S over with too! I think that was enough poking, prodding and smashing to last me a good while now.
Our Christmas was very good. I had been rather emotional a few days before Christmas. Worrying about the amount of money that was spent...worrying about the kids being ungrateful...all sorts of things. Christmas morning came and both kids were thrilled with everything and just being with Alex and the kids for the entire day, staying in my jammies all day and enjoying being together...took all of those worries away. It ended up being such a great day! Santa brought Alex an electronic dartboard that went out on the pool deck/backporch. I can't even begin to tell you how many games of darts we've played since Christmas Day. (it's slowed down a bit now that everyone's back to work and school)
We had the big Christmas dinner/family get together on the day after Christmas. We did it a bit more casually this year than usual. Instead of a big sit down type dinner, I had everything set out "buffet style" and everyone ate as they wanted. Grabbing from the buffet as they felt the urge. It was much more relaxing this way...and nobody went away hungry. That's for darn sure!
Kyle got here on the 27th. And as always, it was so much fun having him around. Let me tell ya...my son Kyle has an amazing sense of humor. He's so witty and always has something funny to say. He and Alex go round and round about the Cardinals and the Cubs. For Kyle's sake, I sure hope the Cubs can do something next season.
We had a very low key get together for New Year's Eve. I had told quite a few people that our house would be open for the night but only a couple of folks came by and it was rather nice actually. Josh's girlfriend and her family came over. Neighbors from down the road came by too. We played more darts...some folks played Texas Hold 'Em...we toasted at midnight and called it a night shortly there after. We couldn't stay up too late because Kyle and I were headed to Jacksonville the following day with Mr. Bruno and Philip to see the Ga. Tech Yellow Jackets and the W. Va. Mountaineers play in the Gator Bowl.
Tech played a great game but lost 38-35. Those Mountaineers are some rough folk, I tell ya! Well, some of them were. We had quite a few roudy (and drunk) ones in front of us...one girl was quite trashed. She spent the entire second half of the game passed out with her head on the seat in front of her and a popcorn tub between her legs for the "just in case". Kyle and Philip were razzed pretty badly by a few rude Mountaineers, but Mr. Bruno and I actually had fun with a few of the not so rude ones. Kyle was very happy to have been able to go to the game...and that's what mattered most. (for a while there, I wasn't sure if we'd just be watching the game on the big screen)
School started back without a hitch...Kyle got back to Atlanta safely and is happy to be back to school. He really missed playing Ultimate every night. Even though Philip tried to get a group of guys together to play, it just never came to be.
Alex got back to work and has been working his tail end off...he's got the guys coming over here tomorrow night for Poker Night. It'll be a nice diversion from the stressful week he's had. Keep your fingers crossed that he actually WINS this time. They play almost once a month and I don't think he does very well. (I don't think he ever really tells me exactly how much he's lost though)
I have been scrapping a little bit over the last couple of days. I've done a single page and a double page spread. I still need to scan the two pager and put it in the gallery. I actually used a sketch for the Blue Prints call...I'm still trying to decide if I want to submit it. It's actually pretty simple. Not really sure if it's magazine worthy. But, who knows...I could be surprised. So, we'll see. I'm hoping to get some time to scrap this weekend. Key word being
HOPING...Oh, and my time in the Superbowl of Scrapbooking at Memory Creators came to an end this month too.
The last round was a member voting round and I didn't make the cut. That was ok though...I had fun while it lasted. That had been my first contest like that and I gave it my all and created layouts that I really like too. So...wasn't too bad at all.
And on that note...I think I'll close once again. I've been ready to go to bed since 7:30...I've made it till 9. I think its late enough for me to call it a night. Tomorrow I'll be getting the house ready for poker night, making lasagna for the guys, and I also need to do some volunteer time at Em's school. It's going to be a big girl day for me tomorrow.
G'Night, my friends!!