Today was the day that Josh left for his People to People trip to New Zealand and Australia. We started the day with a breakfast at our favorite local/family owned breakfast place, Conway Cafe, before heading to the airport.
I couldn't believe the number of people at the airport today. Gosh...there was hardly room to move. And this wasn't just from our group either. I'm assuming that maybe Tropical Storm Barry had a bit to do with it. The P2P plane to LA wasn't delayed though...maybe it was just a crazy busy travel day?
Josh was so excited about this trip...but a little nervous too.
I had to leave the airport, before Josh even headed to security, to rush home and get Em ready for her dance recital. Her call time was 1:00 for a 2pm recital. We cut it a little short...getting there a couple of minutes after 1, but with plenty of spare time before show time.
Recital was beautiful, as it always is. The dancer's at our studio really know how to put on a show.
Next year's dance classes will start in August. Emily's enjoyed this year so much that she wants to be in THREE classes and possibly Dance Co. next year. Oh I ready for that? I told her today that Dance Co. might have to wait till Josh is finished with Crew and goes to college. Was that bad of me? I think I could do the time thing (key words: I THINK)'s the cha ching that scares me! LOL
The day is almost at an end now. Josh called to tell us that they made in to LA safely. They'll be leaving for their 16 hour flight to New Zealand in the wee hours of tonight. I'm sure we'll hear from them tomorrow, when they get there. Until then, I'll be in touch with a few of the other parents of the students on this trip. Only 19 more days till Josh returns. I'm sure gonna miss that kid!
tell emily she stole the show in here dance:) i eneded up leaving my class i got there in time for the second half, 4 out of 5 of my sister's dances, and emily's dance too! btw...i'm sorry i haven't managed to return your key yet. next week sometime. i promise.
Wow......I know you will miss him! My dd has left on a trip out of the country every summer....that is sooo hard! But she has a great time and the reunion is awesome!
Great job Emily! Dance your heart out!!!!
Wow Emily looks so cute. I'm sure it's got to be hard to see Josh go, but just think how happy you will be when he gets back with all those pictures for you two to look through and scrapbook- I say you 2 there that maybe he'll get involved as well...
It will defiantly be a trip that he will remember for a lifetime especially since he worked hard to raise all the funds...
oh and by the way, you've been tagged. Look at my blog for details...
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