
What a MONDAY!!

Wheww...it's almost bed time. THANK GOODNESS! I'm whooped!

The day started off on a good note and never really got "bad" but it was much busier than I had expected it to be. The pool guys showed up and put down the markings. They said that they usually come a day before the diggers get to the job so tomorrow we may have heavy equipment in the back yard. And hopefully a really big hole dug by the end of the day. You know I'll be posting pics again too! It's already exciting seeing the form of the pool there...I called my friend Nancy to see if she'd like to sit in my pool with me and have a beer. I told her that I didn't have any pool floats or anything yet, but two chairs would do nicely. Unfortunately, she was on her way out and said we'd do it another time. I can see us now, sitting on the steps of the pool before it's finished...Before the water even begins to go in. We're nutty like that.

Had to close on the re-finance today...Gosh, you forget how many times you have to sign and initial on a mtg. loan. But, that's one more step that's finished and Fed-Ex has already picked up the package and it's on its way back to the bank. Woo hoo!!!!!!

While we were at the bank getting everything signed, a friend called me to see about having lunch. I haven't seen this girl in over a year now. She moved out of town and she was in town today and gave me a call. I was really happy that she did too. When she moved last year, there were some tough feelings that I had about the reasons that she was leaving. I realize now that I had no right to judge her reasons for moving and that if she's happy with the choices that she made then I need to be happy for her. It was great seeing her today and even better sitting there chatting with her over lunch.

Then it was off to Memory Lane again, to work on my class project. Of course, because I spent so much time at lunch, I cut myself short on time for working on my candles. I ended up leaving there to get Em from school and then going back. Emily worked on her homework while I worked on class stuff. I still need to go back one more time though. The LSS owner wasn't there today and I need to talk to her about a few things and get her opinion on some stuff. I'll get it out of the way early tomorrow and won't cut myself so short again.

By the time I got home, it was well after 4:00 and I was just plain exhausted. I called to order Chinese for dinner and picked it up when I went to get Josh from Crew practice. We ate dinner, watched the Cinderella Story with Emily and got in my jammies...It's bedtime!

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