
Wednesday...a day off

From the shop that is. There's always plenty for me to do around the house though. With being in Tampa last weekend, Mount Laundry has grown to amazing proportions. The scrap room is ALWAYS in need of attention and the dust bunnies are about to take over. I sure will have plenty to do when I'm home again, full time. Its almost overwhelming to think about it really. (but I'm looking forward to it)

Last night was our monthly board meeting for Crew. One of the things we discussed was sending Josh's lightweight 4 boat to the Scholastic Nationals in Tennessee, Memorial Day weekend. I left that meeting with a headache from stressing over the discussions.

There are so many pros AND cons to considering this trip and we're basically running out of time on making the decision to go or not. So many details that still need to be ironed out. We're only taking 5 athletes and the talk is that we'll be driving up. Some feel that one boat isn't a good representation of the entire team. We're too far into the "14 day advance purchase" thing now and airfare is purty darn expensive now. Some are concerned about the expenses of driving up with gas prices etc. Especially after having two out of town Tampa regattas, basically back to back. This will definitely be a stretch financially but it can be made to happen if need be.

The athletes will have to miss TWO days of school for this. We'd have to leave on Thursday to get up there for racing on Friday. AP exams are finished as of today, so that won't interfere with those but I'm not sure of any other types of review or anything that they're doing before the finals in other classes. That's another thing that needs to be looked into. We'll also have to get the blessing from the school and those excused absences approved by administration. Its hard to say what the school will say or do. There's been a bit of tension from the school toward Crew for some time now. Will they approve?

Unfortunately, Alex will not be able to get out of work to go to this so I'll be going on my own. That will cut back on some of the expense for us but I feel bad that he won't be able to be there to watch. I could send Josh with the team but I feel that, as his mom, I need to be there to support him and the others in the boat. I think that's normal, right? But I feel guilty that "I" would be able to go and Alex won't be. Why do I allow myself to feel guilty over stuff like this?

Then there's the weight thing for Josh. In any of the races here, the weight limit for Lightweight is 155 lbs. When Josh decided to try to lose enough to get into lightweight, he was at 168 lbs. He worked long and hard to get to what he needed to be and got there, for the most part. We had an issue over Spring Break where he'd overindulged and ended up not making weight. He learned a valuable lesson then and has done what has needed to be done to get under that 155 mark.

The weight limit for the Scholastic Rowing Nationals is 150 lbs. Josh is currently at 152.8 this morning. He and his coach are very confident that he'll be able to get under the 150 make. I, on the other hand, am worried about the possibility of being borderline...only to get there and not make weight and the boat not getting to row at all. I've been told though that the higher altitude will make him weigh a little less...so that may be in his favor.

I'm fine with Josh losing this weight to row...as long as he's doing it the correct way. I don't want him starving himself or busting his a$$ with working out 4 hours a day. I don't want him to obsess over the weight things and have that added pressure of knowing that HE could be the reason they row or don't row. It would be HORRIBLE to go through all of this stress, all of the expense, etc. etc...to get up there and find out that he's overweight.

Am I being too negative?

I guess I should just quit stressing over it...just let it happen. See what pans out and go from there. The coaches are supposed to give us their decision sometime today, I believe.

Today, I have a dentist appointment. That should take my mind off of that stress, eh? LOL I should get up and get a few things done here before I have to leave. No reason why I can't get something done in the next 45 minutes. Right?


I've been asked to make a Mini Album as a baby gift for someone. My first custom order, I suppose. I have all the stuff to do it...just need to get moving on it now. Wish me luck!!

Bye for now...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like its going to be a crazy event. If he doesn't make weight, can he go to the next up class? I don't know how crew works at all...

Denise said...

Unfortunately, no...he can't move up. Basically they are in the boat that they enter and that's it. If he weren't to make weight then none of them would row. That boat would be DQ'd and it would be a completely wasted trip.

But...we're pretty confident that he'll get it. He's only got a little more than 2 lbs to lose. Fingers crossed.

preci28 said...

I'm sure Josh can do it!

congrats on your first album to make.. that's awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Goodluck on your decision. Whatever you decide, I am sure it will turn out to be the right way to go. I checked out your scroll LOs and they are beautiful!

Unknown said...

Keep ing my fingers crossed that Josh loses the 2 lbs and good luck with the mini album!